Manawatu Musician Makers
Singing & vocal lessons

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Singing students performing in Palmerston North

Students taking singing lessonsSinging and vocal lessons

| Modern singing | Jazz and Big band | Rock and pop singing lessons |

Just about everyone has a voice and with some training we can all sing. It's an instrument you can take everywhere and you can practice everwhere! We are aware that every student is on a different path and wants to learn different styles, genres and has their own musical goals. That's why our singing lessons don't follow a one-size-fits-all approach. Each lesson is built around the best outcome for the student's own musical journey. On this page is just an overview of what happens in our vocal coaching lessons and doesn't cover everything so if you'd like to know more, head over to our Get in touch page and send us a message.

Here are some of the typical things you will learn in our singing lessons.

Beginner singing lessons
  • Correct breathing
  • Using your body correctly to support your voice
  • Basic pitching skills
  • Warm up and skill developing exercises
  • Diction and pronunciation
  • Understanding song structure and gaining stamina for singing whole songs
  • Understanding rhythms and how to sing them
  • Voice control and dynamics
  • Simple intervals
  • Instrument care: How to look after your voice
Those are just some of the things that you will learn. Remember these lessons are for you and are based around what your goals are.
Intermediate singing lessons
As you progress in your learning, or if you join us further along in your musical journey, here are some of the more intermediate things that may be included in your lessons. Of course, as you specialise more the lessons will be modified to achieve your goals.
  • More advanced vocal control
  • Extending your range
  • Expressing yourself and acting out the song
  • Fundamental music theory and how it works with the voice
  • More complex rhythms
  • More complex intervals and how to sing them and hear them
  • Improvisation and 'vamping' chords
  • Voice care and what to do if you have a cold/flu etc

At the point you've reached an advanced level playing there will be very specific subjects that you want to work on. It's likely by this point you'll be bringing subjects and areas to work on to the lessons or your teacher may discuss advanced topics and how they well advance your singing.
Grades and strutured learning for singing
For students who are motivated by a more structured, grade-oriented learning experience, we can offer Rockschool grades for singing. Some students like to use the Rockschool pieces in their learning whereas others go on to take the full grade exam. As the name suggests, Rockschool is a more modern approach to music grading. Rockschool is a British grading system supported by The Australian Music Examining Board in this part of the world. You can find out more about Rockschool by heading over to the Rockschool New Zealand web page.
NCEA Music - voice as main instrument
We offer support to students who are taking NCEA music and using voice as their main instrument. We can help with selection and learning of of performance pieces, as well as supporting understanding of class room topics. We have good relationships with the school music departments, and many of our tutors are, or have been, Itinerant tutors in schools so we have a good understanding of the requirements for NCEA music.

Classical singing, modern singing

Singing students playing live